Saturday, July 15, 2017

This Week in Rails: Active Storage, telling secrets and time travelling!

Posted by repinel

Hello everyone! This is Roque bringing you the latest news from the Rails world.

It’s been two weeks, so let’s begin!

Active Storage is coming to Rails 5.2

A brand-new framework for managing user uploads is coming to Rails ecosystem. The TODO list is full of ideas, and it’s a great opportunity to send a PR and improve the library.

This Week’s Rails contributors!

We had 24 people who helped make the Rails better this week. Two of them contributed for the first time ever! If you would like to help out, check the issues list.


rails secrets:show will tell secrets!

The command will the decrypt encrypted secrets and display them in your console if you have the key file.

Protect from forgery by default

You no longer need to enable the CSRF protection when creating new apps. They will be more secure by default.

Add time helper method freeze_time

The new helper method will travel_to freezing time. You can call it with a block or not.


Prevent invalid PostgreSQL UUIDs

The UUID validation was allowing mismatched curly braces. The fix requires both a leading and a trailing curly brace, or neither.

Fix long Action Cable channel names for PostgreSQL

Action Cable will hash channel names with SHA-1 if they reach the limit of 63 bytes.


Change SQLite 3 boolean serialization to use 1 and 0

This change in serialization requires a migration of stored boolean data to use 1 and 0 , instead of 't' and 'f'. You can use this change by enabling the configuration: ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::SQLite3Adapter.represent_boolean_as_integer = true

That’s it for this week, as always, we couldn’t cover all of the changes, but feel free to check the commits if you are interested. Until next week!