Saturday, October 14, 2017

This Week in Rails: Redis 4.0 support, fixes and more!

Posted by repinel

Hello everyone! This is Roque bringing you the latest news from the Rails world.

redis-rb 4.0 support

Adds support to Redis greater or equal to 3.3, and less than 5.

This Week’s Contributors

25 people contributed to Rails the past week! If you’d like to join them, why not check out the list of open issues?

Introduce blob representation to Active Storage

Returns an ActiveStorage::Preview instance to preview a blob, or an ActiveStorage::Variant instance for an image.

Safer redirect_back method

The allow_other_host can now block redirects to a different host. The option is true by default to make it backward compatible.

Fix Active Support cache clean up

Rails was using the stored keys to remove files, instead of the filenames.

Fix Active Job to yield error when rescheduling fails

The retry_on method now yields the actual error to the block instead of the exception class.

That’s it for this week, as always, we couldn’t cover all of the changes, but feel free to check the commits. If you’d like to join them, check out the list of open issues. Until next week!