Friday, January 29, 2016

This week in Rails: Security releases and getting closer to Rails 5 RC

Posted by _cha1tanya

This is Prathamesh bringing the latest news from this eventful week of security releases and getting closer to Rails 5 RC.

Security releases!

New Rails versions are released with many important security fixes. If you have not done already, upgrade as soon as possible.

This weeks contributors

This week 44 people contributed to Rails. We also got 11 first time contributors. Welcome aboard folks and keep it going!

New Stuff

Drop Action Cable dependency on EventMachine

Action Cable no longer depends on EventMachine. A lot of work is done to make sure that this change works properly. Hat tip to Matthew Draper for all the great work!

New welcome page for Rails 5

Do you remember the old Welcome aboard page? It’s now replaced by Yay! You are on Rails! The welcome page got a big facelift in Rails 5, gone are the needless links and extra data. It’s compact and mentions only relevant things.

Generate index for referenced columns by default

Rails will now generate indexes for referenced columns by default without mentioning it in migrations. That’s what we want in 90% of the cases anyways!


Issues with ActiveRecord::Relation#cache_key fixed

Lots of corner cases with using cache_key with loaded and unloaded collections and with selecting specific columns are fixed.

Fix issue with has_many: through STI association

An issue with incorrect source_type getting used in case of has_many: through associations with STI models is fixed.

Wrapping Up

That’s all for This week in Rails. As always, there are plenty of things we’re not able to cover here, so take a peek at the changes yourself.

Until next time!